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Society of Photographers Singapore (SPS) is a non-profit organization. SPS strives to promote photography by serving as a platform for promoting photography as an art, organizing workshops, seminars, photography exhibitions, and photography outings. Our team is passionate about nurturing talent and sharing our expertise with aspiring photographers. We aim to create a vibrant community that celebrates the art of photography and supports each other's creative journey.

新加坡摄影家协会 (SPS) 是一家非盈利摄影团体。SPS 致力于通过作为推广摄影艺术的平台、组织研讨会、摄影展览和户外摄影活动来推广摄影。我们的团队热衷于培养人才并与有抱负的摄影家分享我们的专业知识。我们的目标是创建一个充满活力的摄影社区,分享摄影艺术并支持彼此的创意之旅。

SPS has different types of memberships, including Ordinary Member, Life Member, Oversea Life Member, and Social Member.

We invite you to join us as a Social Member without membership fees. From the 1st of June 2018, this free membership is open to photographers with honor titles from RPS / PSA / FIAP, etc photography art organizations.​

The membership approval process may take about four weeks. You shall be notified by email about the membership status. As an SPS member, you shall be invited to take part in SPS activities and events.

新加坡摄影家协会 (SPS) 提供多种会员选项给予摄影爱好者,包括普通会员,永久会员,海外永久会员,准会员。 

从2018年6月1日起,摄影家拥有 RPS / PSA / FIAP 等艺术摄影组织的名衔,都可以申请成为新加坡摄影家协会 (SPS) 的免付费准会员。此类别会员享有参与活动的一切权力及优惠。


© 2025 by Society of Photographers Singapore (SPS)

Tel: +65 9888 3684

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